The Self-Care Party for Moms
Are you a 40+ mom with unique self-care and parenting needs? Well, Dear Mommy, This Party Is Just Getting Started! Entering motherhood in your 40s is a different kind of journey for many women. If you are a mom of multiples, an adoptive mom, or a mom with unique situations that often present themselves in our 40s and you are looking to level up your self-care game as a busy mom who is doing all the things? Join me, Elizabeth Camargo Garcia, a psychotherapist by background and busy mom of twins myself, bringing you this podcast where I spill all the secrets for moms like you who want to prioritize self-care without sacrificing precious time with your little ones. Discover practical tips, heartwarming stories, and expert advice on practicing self-care and healthy bonding with your children, even with a jam-packed schedule on your hands. Join the party and hit that play button and let's dive into the amazing world of motherhood together!
The Self-Care Party for Moms
Breaking the Monotony: A Mother's Weekly Self-Care and Inspiration Newsletter
Are you exhausted, feeling stuck in a repetitive mom routine with no room for self-care? It's time to break that cycle and inject some refreshing spontaneity into your life with our empoweringly rejuvenating 'Self-care Mondays for Moms' newsletter. Each Monday, we’ll provide you with relatable insights, self-care tips, inspiring quotes, and resourceful blog posts to brighten up your week. As a mother myself, I understand the struggles we face, so I’ll be sharing my personal experiences along with trusted tools and products that have been useful in my self-care journey.
In addition, the newsletter also showcases my current business offerings, all designed with you in mind – from workshops to courses and memberships. Whether you're recovering from bronchitis like me or simply exhausted from the daily grind of motherhood, I assure you that self-care is possible and invaluable. So, sign up today and start receiving your weekly dose of self-love, self-care, and inspiration. Before you go, make sure to review this episode, subscribe on your favorite podcast platform and share this journey with your mom friends. Taking care of yourself is taking care of your family, let’s embark on this self-care journey together and remember to be your most beautiful mom self!
Are you in need of support navigating motherhood through all the highs and the lows? Is it impacting your ability to bond with our children? Then make sure to join our Mommy and Me Book Club today and start building wonderful and supportive connections with likeminded moms. Join today!
Ready to build your very own self-care ritual? Sign-up to receive my Self-Care Ritual Checklist that helped me keep my sanity during the toughest moments of motherhood. Grab your copy now!
Music Credits: Flybird Audio Jazz by Jamendo Music
Disclaimer: The information provided on this site is strictly for educational purposes. Do not rely on this information as professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Consult with your medical provider before engaging in any physical activity that may be contraindicated to your health. If you need medical advice, research and consult with a medical professional in your area.
Ever look forward to something new, something to get you out of that rut you're stuck in. The day to day grind, the same old story every week or every day. As a mom, it can get very repetitive to do the same things, often to feel like there's no sense of self outside of taking care of your home or taking care of the kids. So today I'm giving you a sneak peek into what it's like to receive the self-care Mondays for Mom's newsletter, hoping that this will help you get refreshed and give you something to look forward to every week. That's different. I hope you'll enjoy and I hope that you will head on over to the link for the newsletter and sign up today so that you don't miss out on good recommendations every week, something that will refresh your soul and help you take back a little bit of time and break that weekly mom routine. It's good to thrive in that, but it's also good to have some spontaneity and with that let's dive in. Have you ever signed up for like a monthly membership box or something that comes in the mail every week or into your email every week or every month? Well, I know I've always looked forward to things like that and because of that I decided to create the self-care Mondays for Mom's newsletter, so that you could look forward to something to open up every Monday morning, something that would give you a little refresher of sorts, some tips on self-care, something to look forward to doing for yourself every week, and so today I'm going to give you an insight into what it's like to receive this newsletter. So, first and foremost, I always want to give you something that you can identify with and, even though your life is different than my life, we can share on many common factors, maybe at different times in our life, and so I like to give you a little insight, or behind the scenes, as to what it's like to practice self-care and the troubles or the struggles that I experience in my daily life as a mom. I give you a little bit of that type of information, and then I also make sure that you are kept abreast of the latest blog posts or latest podcast episodes, so that you never miss a beat and, just like this episode today, it's information that you don't want to miss out on. It's good for you, and at least I try to do my best to support you, because this mom struggle is real right. There are many things that we experience on our daily lives that can be tiring. I mean, for example, even just now, as I'm going through recording this podcast, I am in the middle of recovering still from the bronchitis that I got a few weeks ago.
Speaker 1:It's important for us to make time for ourselves. This newsletter also offers you your weekly self-care tip, where I pick something that I know will give you moments of self-care that are very beneficial, and every week you will receive a self-care tip. The other piece of the newsletter that I include is the self-care quote of the week, hoping that you are inspired by this wisdom, that you can take that quote, put it on your bathroom mirror, pin it on your board inside your office for that week to have something that reminds you of the importance of caring for yourself. And from time to time I will offer links and tools to different things that I feel will be very beneficial for you, such as products that I've enjoyed or blog posts that I've read that are very resourceful. I always only share what I truly believe in that will help you, and I never make a commission on any of these links that I share. I really truly share them because I want you to have the same resources that I have had along my self-care journey.
Speaker 1:And at the conclusion of the self-care Mondays for Moms newsletter, I also provide you with a snapshot of a few products that my current business offers for you, because it's important for you to know everything that I create, any resource that I put together, any workshop, any course, any membership, I always want you to know that I have you, and only you in mind, and when I create these things and I put them together based on my knowledge, my education and my personal experience, it's only to be of benefit for you, and I make sure that I provide worthy self-care products that are proven to help you in your life as you navigate motherhood and self-care at the same time. So there you have it. I hope that this little behind the scenes into the self-care Mondays for Moms newsletter will get you to sign up and start receiving this worthwhile experience every Monday morning so that you never miss moments of self-care in your life, in your week, and break up the routine of your life with a little bit of love and care for yourself. So, with that, make sure you sign up for the weekly newsletter. I have linked to it in the show notes below and I hope you'll sign up today.
Speaker 1:Also, if you're enjoying this podcast, I would love and appreciate your reviews. This is how I get to know what you're liking, what you're not liking and any comments, helps me identify the type of resources that you're looking for as well. So please don't forget to review this episode if you are enjoying it and make sure you subscribe to listen on your favorite podcast station, and make sure you send this to all your friends who are also on this motherhood journey. Thanks again. Until next time, don't forget to be your most beautiful mom. So bye, bye.